Welcome.  If you're ready to become a part of our cuckold movement, go to our Patreon page and make it official.

Our Patreon Page

Just a few things to note:

I cannot make mention of the project involving sponsoring women and couples to come to my parties and other gatherings because I do not want to do anything to violate Patreons terms.

I do not make any mention of Venus on my Patreon page because she is not yet an official part of the show. This will change once she has seen that we are off to a good start.

Once you sign up for your desired tier level please make sure you email us back so I can make a note of it so that you receive all your perks when they are released.

Again, thank you so much for your support and we look forward to having you as a long time Patron.


Goddess Venus

Michael C.